‘Google Hacking’ Digs Up Sensitive Material

(via Search Engine Lowdown)This Reuters story looks at the growing problem of sensitive data being readily available via a simple Google search:Hackers have found a handy tool to take control of bank accounts, tap into corporate computer networks and dig…

Is Google Watching Your Library Visits?

(via Google Weblog) Daniel Brandt at Google-Watch points out the possibility that Google's personally identifiable cookie could enable the FBI or other government authorities to see what books you read using Google Library via a subpoena. His particular concern is…

More “friendly” search engines…

(via John Battelle's Searchbog) Craig Silverstein, Google's technology officer, asks how your search engine can become more like your friend:It's clear that a list of links, though very useful, doesn't match the way people give information to each other," says…